So, Rush Limbaugh thinks Hillary Clinton is too old to be running for president, because she will inevitably age in office. He points out that the office ages its occupant faster than the average person, that Hillary will be scrutinized for it. . .and. . .what else, I'm not sure. He's just using the opportunity to publicize an unflattering picture of Hillary (the one on the right).
Rush Limbaugh, much like Ann Coulter, loves to start these little tempests. They always garner news, and just attract attention to his radio show. So why am I commenting on the story? Not sure. I guess I just thought it was rather unfair. I think Hillary looks pretty good for 60, and everybody takes an unflattering picture now and then. Big deal. And if she looked like Joan Rivers, Rush would be making fun of her plastic surgery.
Besides, there are a lot of--shall we say--less than Vogue or GQ ready politicians in (or running for) office, many of them for decades. Let's take a look!

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