It would be easy to say that Michelle Malkin is an idiot. There's even a website with that name, for goodness' sake. But idiot isn't quite the right word. Opportunist, maybe? I don't know, I can think of many pejorative adjectives for the woman.
It's rather amusing watching the right wing pundits like Michelle trying to stop the Huckabee "surge." As noted several times earlier in this space, the conservative punditry is aghast and appalled by this turn of events in the 2008 primary race. They want the super-religious base to vote, and to of course send money, but they sure as HELL don't want them in charge.
Watch closely for the next few weeks. FOX "News," Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, FreeRepublic.com, and Michelle Malkin will be doing their level best to unseat Huckabee from his throne. They really, really, really don't want this guy to be their nominee.
Mike Huckabee: The anti-Limbaugh candidate
I was in the car listening to Rush Limbaugh responding to the Mike Huckabee campaign’s attack on him. What an unbelievably knuckle-headed move by Huckabee’s minions. Casting Limbaugh as part of the Beltway-Manhattan elite? Those who’ve been tuning in and listening closely know that Limbaugh has scrupulously avoided playing favorites with any of the GOP candidates. He’s been an equal-opportunity scrutinizer. What possible benefit could accrue from going after one of the conservative movement’s most popular figures?
Read more (but wash up thoroughly afterwards) at: MichelleMalkin.com
UPDATE: I just had to post this comment from a dilusional Malkin/Limbaugh fan:
"Stupid. Limbaugh is the least biased, most center based, of all the radio hosts. He never bases his opinion on the personality of the candidates. Just what they stand for."
Limbaugh "least biased?" "Center based?" Are you freaking kidding me? Simply dilusional.
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