Sorry for the dearth of posts, everybody. The Other Half and I have been out of the
From time to time, I like to say a little about myself, to bring a little personal touch to the blog, which is named after me, after all. This one has to do with a possible character flaw: I listen to talk radio all day, every day, 5 days a week.
house this evening, so
I haven't been around. And now, we have arrived at one of my big "TV evenings." So, I don't see me getting much done tonight. For now, here's a post that confronts an issue that concerns me.
Right-wingers like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity love to disparage liberal talk radio. They claim there is no market for it, and the only reason over 90% of talk radio is conservative is, that's what listeners want. This sounds like bull-pucky on the face of it, when you consider that Barack Obama won the Presidency by a wide margin, and that the Republican party is fractured. It turns out, this "conventional wisdom" may not be true, much as I suspected.
The End of Peter B. Collins and the Need for Media Reform
We may have to get progressive talk shows put on the Endangered Species List, now that the president has reinstated it. Otherwise there won't be any voices on the air except the voices of the right, whether "centrist" (corporate) or explicitly far-right (corporate). As Brad Friedman notes in his report on Peter B. Collins's forced departure, the economic crash is threatening to finish off those last few figures who have managed somehow to resist the oligopolistic tide that has by now all but submerged the US media. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
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