Image from DeanKoontz.com
It was another lazy Sunday here at chez Greenlee. I got up late, watched Saturday Night Live on the DVR (host Tracey Morgan showed a distressing lack of range), as well as zipping through several of the Sunday morning political shows. Nothing much there to report. Almost all of the discussion was on the economy, obviously. But the talking heads and political types don't sound to me any more credible than CNBC's Jim Cramer.
So, I put away the clicker, and did what lazy Sundays are best for: I read a book. Actually, I started reading Dean Koontz's Your Heart Belongs to Me yesterday, but read the bulk of it today. It was a breezy read, and I quite enjoyed it for the most part. The typical Koontz setup of guy-meets-girl/couple deals with supernatural crisis/golden retriever was broken here with different narrative style.
I'm a pretty big Koontz fan, but this book confounded me in its last chapters. The resolution left me wondering if I'd missed a huge amount of subtext, which is ironic since the main character supposedly missed the same thing. I never suspected the true nature of the main "villain's" motives, so I had a hard time faulting the "hero" for missing it too.
All-in-all, though, I can think of worse ways to spend an afternoon. A comfy couch, and a book is a nice change of pace for me, even if it means fewer hits to the blog.
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