Photo from source, Think Progress
Finding somebody like me--a moonbat lefty liberal blogger--who would be quoted saying that Dick Cheney is evil is pretty easy. In fact, "evil" would only be one of a lengthy list of negative adjectives I might use. But a former member of the actual Bush/Cheney Administration? Not even Scott McClellan went that far!
So, though you already knew that Dick was evil, it certainly bears repeating.
Colin Powell’s former chief of staff: Cheney is ‘evil,’ his fearmongering is ‘assisting’ al Qaeda.
Weeks after President Obama was inaugurated, Dick Cheney gave an interview to Politico slamming Obama’s detainee policies and warning that he was making America less safe (charges he repeated again last Sunday). Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former chief of staff who left the Bush administration in protest, wrote an essay on the Washington Note last evening slamming Cheney’s fearmongering. Wilkerson calls Cheney “evil” and says his detainee policies were only “assisting” terrorists. . .
Read more at: Think Progress
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