When I'm doing chores around the house, there are a few "old reliable" CDs I'll play to keep me inspired. They include, the soundtrack of Fame, the soundtrack of Xanadu, the soundtrack (sensing a theme?) to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Once More With Feeling," Donna Summer's Greatest Hits, Madonna's Immaculate Collection or I'm Breathless, and of course, ABBA Gold I & II.
So, by now you have concluded that I'm not only an old nerd, but an old, gay nerd. And you've concluded correctly. I'll totally cop to not getting most of today's music. I'm still incredulous that rap music is still popular. And while a little Maroon 5 or Scissor Sisters might sneak into the mix, my musical tastes are decidedly old school.
Not so long ago, I ran a post about my new year's wish that ABBA might reunite for one last album. I still hope they manage to do that, though nothing points to it even being considered. Clearly, they don't need the money. That won't keep me from wishing though. And I found a few YouTube clips of songs I haven't featured before. And it's my blog, dammit, so here they are, like it or not! Heh.
Anyway, these are some of my favorites, On and On and On, The Day Before You Came, SOS, and Chiquitita. Enjoy!
I with ya musically, brother. These are the songs of our youth, and when we listen to them the last 30+ years just magically melt away.