Image from source, Wonkette
You know, part of what bugged me about the last eight years was the underpinnings of the Bush Administration, as much as the Administration itself. I'm talking about the people behind the scenes both prior to and during Bush's reign. Some of those people were like Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh, FOX "News," and other inexplicably popular "conservatives" who kept the Rovian alternate reality going. And some of those people were the NeoCons, many of whom were behind the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).
There is a lot of crossover between the two groups. And you got the feeling they were sort of like the bigwigs on Wall Street, in that they seemed to think their reign would never end. They all worked together to play their big end game, the Bush Presidency. And we all know how that played out.
Never ones to give up, though, the people behind PNAC have put together a sequel of sorts, The Foreign Policy Initiative. They're hoping of course that President Barack Obama is a spectacular failure, and that their ideas are absorbed into the next Republican Administration. Let's hope we as Americans don't fall for it again.
Oh, and yes, I posted this mostly for the image at the top. My inner child is naughty.
Bill Kristol Launches Sequel To PNAC That Will Be Same Thing As PNAC
Even though Barack Obama is ramping up the Afghanistan war now, as well as the official policy towards Pakistan known as “F**king Around,” what we need is more wars, all the time, doesn’t matter if they’re major land wars or just playful warring. This must be done, because if we truly want the oppressed world to enjoy our freedoms, we must first kill them in wars. Comically evil Republican handyman Bill Kristol, for example, would like to see at least one new war every day. . .
Read more at: Wonkette
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