Image from source, Raw Story
Even though Minnesota's courts have continued to support Al Franken's victory for Senator, Norm Coleman is still douching it up, and everyone still seems to believe that Coleman will drag this out even more. If something like this happened during a Republican majority (even a slim one), there is no way it would have gone this far. Shoot, if the positions were reversed right now, the Republican Noise Machine would be cranked full-volume, and this thing would be over. Still believe the media is controlled by liberals?
Minnesota court ruling supports Franken; Coleman appeal likely
It could very well be the beginning of the end for Norm Coleman. Or the harbinger of a whole new legal battle for his tireless lawyers. As much as Al Franken's lawyers celebrated it Tuesday, the long-awaited Minnesota state court ruling on Norm Coleman's appeal of the Senate race recount has – you guessed it – not quite put an end to the post-election showdown, now more than four months long. . .
Read more at: Raw Story
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