As I've said before, I used to be a Republican. Actually, like most people, I sort of assumed the party of my upbringing, kind of like how people tend to be the same religion as their parents. And though the scales fell off my eyes, and I left the party years ago, I'm still on their mailing list. Or emailing list, as it stands these days. My last piece of snail mail from the GOP came before the election, with Karl Rove's signature on it. ---shudder---
These days, the GOP is feeling a lot less mighty, and is seemingly adrift. The appointment of Michael Steele as their leader promised big changes. And then things got weird. Steele alternated between chewing and kissing Rush Limbaugh's ass. He tried to get all jiggy with it, and proclaimed that he'd make the party hipper, or hip-hoppier or something. But if the current online "survey" is any indication, there is little change happening here.
Twice before, I've posted GOP questionnaires that were little more than push polls. The new one is more of the same. It is impossible for a now ex-Republican to answer this poll correctly, because to do so presupposes that you agree with the phrasing of the question. And I vehemently disagree with how many of the (loaded) questions are set up. For instance:
1. A recent national poll reported that nearly 25% of Americans want the government to pass more socialism. Do you agree or disagree? Agree/Disagree/Undecided
I've got to say "Undecided" because I do not agree with the GOP's definition of "socialism."
5. Should Republicans unite to block new federal government bureaucracy and red tape that will crush future economic growth? Yes/No/Undecided
Again, it's "Undecided" because I don't have any way to know if these things will really "crush future economic growth."
8. Should we do everything we can to block Democrats who are trying to shut down conservative talk radio with the so-called "fairness doctrine"? Yes/No/Undecided
I don't agree that the Fairness Doctrine would shut down talk radio, nor do I believe the issue has any traction. "Undecided" again.
10. Should Republicans unite in opposition to judicial nominees who bring a personal, left-wing agenda on social issues to their jobs as judges? Yes/No/Undecided
An honest question should be, "Should Americans unite in opposition to judicial nominees who bring a personal, partisan agenda on social issues to their jobs as judges?" But that's not what they asked.
1. If Barack Obama tries to gut the USA PATRIOT Act and other important laws that promote the safety and security of all Americans, should Republicans in Congress fight back? Yes/No/Undecided
Here, you've got to play along with the vivid word "gut," and also concede that Obama would eliminate important laws to purposefully endanger Americans. "Undecided."
Anyway, it goes on like that. It's inherently dishonest, and statistically useless. I filled it out just the same, and filled out the comments section with a rip on this whole survey. You can do the same here: GOP Survey.
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