I realize that some people have a hard time squaring Darwin's theory of evolution with their religious beliefs. I understand that they can't reconcile it, and so will do anything they can to deny that evolution is a sound theory. But they're going too far when their personal religious beliefs are codified in public school curriculum.
If a person wants to deny that evolution is a workable scientific theory, fine. They can declare the Earth flat, and the sun the center of the universe too, if that makes them happy. But they shouldn't be able to take science out of science classes, or to add completely unscientific religion to science class. Conservatives often decry the "dumbing down of America," and yet they seem to often contribute to it.
If a person wants to deny that evolution is a workable scientific theory, fine. They can declare the Earth flat, and the sun the center of the universe too, if that makes them happy. But they shouldn't be able to take science out of science classes, or to add completely unscientific religion to science class. Conservatives often decry the "dumbing down of America," and yet they seem to often contribute to it.
Texas Board of Education voting on Evolution
This week, a debate over evolution versus creationism or intelligent design as some now call it, is brewing before the Texas Board of Education.It's considering a change in the State's science standards. At issue whether or not teachers should explain the "strengths and weaknesses" of evolution which would raise doubts that all living things have a common ancestor. . .
Read more at: the33tv.com
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