Image from source, TV Squad
Some of you might be saying, "aw, geez, he's going on about Dollhouse and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles again?" I know, I know. I'm still having trouble getting over the fact that the latter was cancelled, and being happy that the former has been renewed.
But this news will make fans of both shows go "squeeeeee!" Well, maybe. Fans of T:TSCC were mightily pissed at FOX-TV, and took it out (via message boards) on Joss Whedon's Dollhouse. DH fans got defensive, and sniped right back. As a fan of both, I'm just tickled that Summer Glau (who played the "nice" Terminator, Cameron) appears to be getting a role on Dollhouse! Which is crazy cool.
Joss Whedon plans to put Summer Glau on Dollhouse
I'm not sure how many people watched both Dollhouse and The Sarah Connor Chronicles, though both were on Friday nights at the end, so they probably had a lot of fans in common. If you were a fan of the latter show, this news might ease the pain of knowing that show will not be returning in the fall. . .
Read more at: TV Squad
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