Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Maybe I Don't Get it 'Cause I'm Not Catholic. . .

Lines for Santa Claus were never like this.  Ahem.  Readers of this blog (all six dozen of you) know that I'm not religious. Not even a little bit religious. Maybe a little anti-religious. But I love the trappings of Christmas. I'm all about the peace and love, the giving (and receiving!) of gifts. I like the egg nog, the wassail and the parties. I'm as fond of sending a gift as I am of receiving it. And as dodgy as the whole Santa Claus myth might be ethically for the little kiddies, I'm totally down with it.

But when you get to the midnight masses, and the overtly reverent religiosity, I couldn't give a damn. Seriously. I'd wager that most efforts at this part of the Christmas experience are by rote for most people. And when we get to the Catholic parts of the holiday? The Popey parts? Well, in the days of Pope John Paul II, I wasn't too bugged. He seemed nice, and smart, and not all that creepy (until they were almost propping him up). But this new guy? Creepy. Star Wars' Emperor Palpatine creepy. Zombie creepy.  Nazi creepy. So, while I have no evidence or knowledge that the current pope has any affinity for kiddies, this picture still gives me the creeps.

Source: Joe.My.God.


  1. Your prejudice is showing.
    First the kids are having a chance in a life time by seeing the Pope up close.
    Further, some of the Catholic traditions date back many centuries, almost time of Christ and I enjoy seeing the traditions and pagentry.
    I realize you may not be religous, but don't trample on other's people's faith. And don't call the Pope a pedohile. Sure way to go to hell.

  2. It has less to do with prejudice than it does with being squicked out by a creepy looking dude. Pope John Paul II as I said, didn't elicit such a reaction from me. I'm married to a Catholic, so clearly I'm not prejudiced against Catholicism in particular, just religion in general!


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