Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Other Half: The Nine Rings of Hell

Photo from der Spieler

This will be short. Stupid freaking people who get a dog and let it bark all fricking day long deserve a place in lower hell, pick a ring, I don't care, 7 or 8 or 9, they all are good as far as I am concerned. Currently we have some of the most clueless fudging white-trash neighbors which can never hear their dog bark it seems. At midnight, early morning, afternoon, evening, you can always hear a dog barking here.

We grew up with smart dogs that were well-trained by my dad. The difference is the owners, and sadly I don't expect any change for the better. So, if you are my neighbors with the barking dogs I wish you a pleasant journey down south, pick a ring.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Edited by site owner to clean up The Other Half's potty mouth!


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