Photo of the Creation Museum's saddled Triceratops
There are a few different reasons I am motivated to write this blog. One is a strong sense of justice and fairness, and a converse anger when unfairness and lack of justice prevail. Mixed in with that is a overriding distaste for illogic, a profound dislike for "end-run" politics (ends-justify-the means, no matter what the means are), and a disgust for people who have an utter lack of respect for their own supporters and their intelligence.
Ah, intelligence. For those of you not paying attention, "Intelligent Design," (or ID) is the latest sheep's clothing on the wolf that is "Creationism." Creationists have tried for years to have their "theory" taught alongside--or instead of--evolution in school science classes. ID itself punches a few of my "hot buttons" listed above. They try to circumvent laws against religion in public schools by painting ID as science, when it is not. They try to get their supporters (and gain new ones) to believe that ID is a science, when it is not. They're counting on you to buy their line of bull or, failing that, get you to play along because you sort of agree with them, even if it isn't strictly legal. Kind of like "In God We Trust" on the money. . .probably un-Constitutional, but we kind of like it there, so we'll just play along.
Anyway, that is a long-winded way to get to this story, about a woman who was the Texas State Science Director, who had to resign over an email she wrote. In the email, she was forwarding information about a book that is anti-Creationism. And Texas just can't have that.
Hey, Texas! She's the Science Director! Creationism ISN'T SCIENCE!!!
Texas official resigns, cites creationism conflict
The state's director of science curriculum said she resigned this month under pressure from officials who felt she gave the appearance of criticizing the instruction of intelligent design.
The Texas Education Agency put Chris Comer on 30 days paid administrative leave in late October, resulting in what she described as a forced resignation. . .
Read more at: USA Today
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