Photo of Rep. Hoekstra from source, LA Times
Well, all right. My inherant cynicism says that this will not be the undoing this administration so richly deserves, but I will allow my hopes to be at least slightly raised.
House vows to pursue CIA inquiry
Rep. Hoekstra says Intelligence Committee will investigate destruction of interrogation tapes over the objections of the Justice Department.
The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee vowed Sunday to press ahead with the congressional investigation of the CIA's destruction of interrogation videotapes, despite the strenuous objections of the Justice Department.
Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan said Congress would call witnesses and demand documents in order to probe the CIA's decision to destroy videotapes of the interrogations of two suspected Al Qaeda operatives. . .
Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan said Congress would call witnesses and demand documents in order to probe the CIA's decision to destroy videotapes of the interrogations of two suspected Al Qaeda operatives. . .
Read more at: LA Times
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