Hee hee! No, I don't allege this seriously. I'm agnostic, and find the notion excellent fodder for horror movies, but little else. But somebody out there is spreading rumors. OK, yeah, it's all a joke, but I find it funny. Something tells me that (formerly) big Mike would find it less amusing.
A flyer was found on windshields in several church parking lots in Iowa on Sunday, asking: is Mike Huckabee the Anti-Christ? The major GOP campaigns have all denied authorship. The Keyes campaign could not be located for a comment. Among the points raised: 1) Revelation 13 says that the Antichrist's kingdom will be both a political and an ecclesiastical power. Huckabee, a Baptist minister, is running for President. 2) No normal American man over the age of 40 loses 110 pounds. It's not natural. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
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