2007 has become the old year, and my does it ever feel old. Just a few days ago, I simply couldn't believe that 2007 was coming to a close. 2008 felt foreign somehow. Now I welcome it, and I'm glad to see 2007 go.
Personally, it was a pretty good year. Most things were the same or better than 2006 for me. My job is secure, I'm out of debt, the cat is healthy and The Other Half and I have wrapped up (most) of 10 years together. My sister--long the kid hater--even had a baby. And I gave birth to a blog (didn't need an epidural or nothin').
The year hasn't been quite as good to some of my friends, and for them I'm hoping the new year brings happier, shinier things. And politically, the year has just stunk up the place. The lame duck Decider and his followers and minions continue to do their delusional damage. Curiously, the great hope of 2007, the new Democratic Congress let the old regime do whatever they wanted. Nothing seemed to get much better, politics wise, though FOX "News" insists that the War in Iraq is going swimmingly now.
But the world (like the year) feels stale to me. Like a movie that just won't end (forgive me, I just finished watching Xanadu of all things), or a CD on repeat, it feels like it should be done.
The good news is, I think the old is running on vapors. A change is in the air, I can just feel it. I'm very optimistic. . .scratch that, I'm a pessimist at heart. . .but I've got a good feeling about the year to come. And I intend to do my little bitty part, in my "tube" on the internets, to hold the Democrats' feet to the fire, and trumpet the misdeeds of the lingering, zombie-like old guard. Maybe it won't make a difference, but it will make me feel better!
Happy New Year!
Nice post, Thanks for sharing it with us..