Saturday, May 2, 2009

Blogiversary: 23 Months! 4,853 Posts!

Wow. Another month gone. What they say about life speeding up as you age is absolutely true. It feels like 2009 is still new, but we're entering month five already. And while life in America is not all lollipops and rainbows, I still think that escaping the Bush Era has given many of us new hope.

I could be wrong of course. Things could get much worse (like they did for Jimmy Carter), and Republicans could stage a comeback like they did with Ronald (now sainted) Reagan. With the cast of cartoon characters they currently have on hand, that doesn't seem likely anytime soon, but who knows?

Meanwhile, blogging has been kind of weird for me lately. I'm still enjoying it, but have had a difficult time coming up with ideas. Probably because I'm an economic doofus, with no real grasp on this stuff. I took Economics in college, but it was at 8:00 am, was taught by a drill sergeant (literally), and I mostly snoozed through it. And the readers have not been voluminous either, which is a little distressing. I mean, why log hours putting up posts if nobody reads them?

Still, every time I've gotten discouraged by a lack of readers, the hits have come roaring back, so I'll cross my fingers, and hope that people find me again. I'm still hoping to find that magic idea that puts me on the map. Perhaps a weekly comic strip or something. But I think I'll have to enlist the aid of my friend and sometime contributor Stupid Monkey Planet to pull that off. You listening, Monkey?

Anyway, for those of you who are reading, thank you. Please drop by in the comments or by email, and as always, bring your friends!

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