Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bill O'Reilly Claims FOX "News" Is Most Powerful News Organization

Image from source, Mediaite
They're a powerful something alright. But a news organization ain't it. While I don't go for the common false equivalence levelled between FOX "News" and MSNBC, I can lean forward and say that they're merely "The Place for Politics," a news commentary network.  FOX "News" is also a news commentary network, in addition to a news maker-upper network and a 24-hour free commercial for the Republican Party.  But let's assume that FOX "News" didn't deserve those quotation marks. Does even the biggest "FOX fan" think they're the most powerful news force in the world? Really?


Bill O’Reilly: Fox News Is The Most Powerful Media Agency In The World

Forget the usual sniping about MSNBC–Bill O’Reilly wants you to know Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow simply don’t rate in one key area: global power domination. . .

Read more (with video) at: Mediaite


  1. Well, if Fox isn't the most powerful (and that phrase does scare me)then who is? The liberals are scared of them and the conservatives love them. The other cable shows don't have the viewership as Fox and the main networks really are not that powerful compared to Fox, especially their news opinion shows.So, if not Fox, then who?

  2. I suppose that depends on how you define "power." If it is with journalistic credentials, Pulitzer prizes and such, FOX ain't it. If you define it with bombast, ratings, and the ability to set the storyline for the week--whether or not the story is TRUE--then maybe FOX gets it. . .in cable news, maybe in the United States. But the world?

  3. Left of center Fox still has some news.
    The other public relations spin meisters are in the tank for Karl Marx, and no longer pretend to be anything except cheerleaders for the collective; hiding stories and outright lying.

    The internets are the most powerful news organization now. By far.
    Which is why the FCC is moving toward censorship of the internet, with the 'internet fairness doctrine' and the misnamed 'copyright infringement' bill.

    The collective is threatened by the truth, so they must shut down the 'net.


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