Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sarah Palin Walks on Water

Image from source, Las Vegas Gleaner
Boy, I've had a bunch of Sarah Palin stuff up lately, huh? I guess her media blitz for Sarah Palin's Alaska, her book, With Freedoms and Liberties, You Betcha! Also, and the conservative attempt to hijack Dancing with the Stars has had its effect. But this picture and headline was just too great to resist.


President-elect Palin to walk on Lake Mead later this year

Americans cannot rise as one in 2012 to crown and acclaim their new Savior and President for Life until puny earthling pretenders are cast into the abyss. . .
Read more at: Las Vegas Gleaner


  1. Sarah is living in your head, rent free!

  2. And oh, Sofa, where art thou? You used to be so entertaining.

  3. The world exists to entertain you, sir. /sarc

    I stopped coming her because you're unable to reason or defend an argument; you just spout jingoism. My time is better spent with rational people who are able to support their arguments and participate in reasoned discussions.

  4. Jingoism? Honestly, while you can be entertaining, more often you are simply confusing. Jingoism is more a FOX "News" kind of a thing, which is pretty far from what I do. I also am confused by your belief that I can't support my arguments. When it comes to your commentary, you are usually so far from the topic, that arguing is futile. Reason and logic are two of my favorite things. They certainly wouldn't apply to Sarah Palin above, though!


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