Thursday, November 18, 2010

Texas "Birther" Bill. Really?!?

Crazy is as crazy does.


Image from source, Think Progress
Texas State Rep. Introduces Birther Bill Because ‘People Don’t Know Whether [Obama] Was Born In Kenya’

Texas State Rep. Leo Berman (R) — a man best known for declaring that “Barack Obama is God’s punishment on us” — is putting his anti-Obama rhetoric into action. Donning his tin foil hat, Berman introduced House Bill 295 yesterday, which would “require any candidate for president or vice president of the United States to show his or her birth certificate to the Texas secretary of state. . .”
Read more at: Think Progress


  1. His paternal grandmother, his brother, and his sister, were all present at his birth in Kenya.

    Were they the 'first birthers'?

    Mocking and calling folks crazy tin foil hat birthers, just calls attention to the fear brought on by the lack of a birth certificate.

  2. That is absolutely pure hokum, Sofa. And you'd know that if you went to the link I sent you some time ago:

    Debunked. Thoroughly.

  3. That conspiracy nonsense was thouroughly bunk and hokum.

    There is evidence that he was born in Kenya.
    There is no evidence that he was born in Hawaii.


  4. How dare people ask for data?!

  5. WHAT evidence is there that he was born in Kenya? As for Hawaii, there were birth announcements it TWO papers AT THE TIME. For what POSSIBLE reason, would a white mother of a biracial child in 1961 have to FAKE that?

    The Kenya story is so obviously a mistranslation, it isn't even remotely credible as "evidence," by the way. Did you read the debunking?

  6. Three family members say Kenya.
    No family members say Hawaii.
    Barry says what he needs: For scholarships he's a foreigner. Now he isn't.

    What did the church lady say? "Isn't that convenient?"

  7. No family members say Hawaii? How about Michelle? His mother (there were two birth announcements after all, which you haven't explained away). Which family members say Kenya?

    Who besides step-grandmother Sarah Obama allegedly said Kenya (that story debunked here, by the way:

    You are impossible to take seriously if you are a Birther, Sofa. You're in Orly Taitz land here.

  8. Michelle was not a witness.
    Grandmother, older brother, and older sister said he was born in the home, in Kenya.

  9. You're full of it, Sofa! Where's your evidence? I've offered you a wealth of debunkery information. Do you have ANYTHING? By the way, it was Obama's Step-grandmother you're referring to, and she wasn't even THAT yet at the time of his birth. Click the dang link in my last reply.

  10. I am 'full of it'!
    Mostly wine and turkey bits, as we prepare the feast.


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