Friday, February 4, 2011

Rachel Maddow vs. Glenn Beck & Sean Hannity

I post a lot of news stories and video clips by and about Rachel Maddow. As I've said before, I've been a fan of hers since she was on the radio show Unfiltered with (Daily Show creator) Lizz Winstead and (Public Enemy's) Chuck D, way back in 2004. I was excited to see her getting exposure on MSNBC and CNN, notably with Tucker Carlson, David Gregory and Keith Olbermann. Since she got her own program, I've been a regular viewer, and obviously, have championed her show.

But if you're a conservative reader, you probably see her name, and let out a "Pffft! That commie, pinko, moonbat, hard lefty, lesbian (or is it a dude, dude?), Mad Cow?" Because, first, conservatives must think that is the height of insightful and/or humorous commentary, and second because they dismiss anything Maddow has to say on principle. Most critiques of Rachel's work come from people who seem to only have the barest familiarity with her style, and her views. She's not the liberal Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity.

There's a difference in tone, material, and delivery.  Here are two clips from Thursday's show, about the conflict in Egypt.  In the first clip, Rachel discusses the attacks on journalists, and what that's all about. It's informative and compelling stuff. In the second clip, she shows us what Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity's perspectives are on the crisis. The contrast is very, very stark.

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