Thursday, April 21, 2011


Bwahahahaha!!! I know this is sad/scary, but it is also very, very funny. What a bunch of dopes. "Super-floo-us!" Bwahahahaha!!! These are South Carolina tea baggers/Republicans, if you're curious.


  1. Sad/scary? Why? Just people expressing their opinions calmly.
    Now, I don't honestly don't know why people are in favor of Trump. I would choose him over Obama, obviously. But if he is the best the gOP has to offer, then we, the GOP, are in serious trouble.

    On another note, I have a really hard time navigating your site. It just makes my computer run slowly. From a conspiracy stand point, you may want people to stay here longer. :) But for some reason, it takes forever to load your web site. Any solutions?

  2. Sad/scary why? Because The Stoopid! It burns! John Birch Society? Obama born in Kenya (why? how?). "Muslim is not a religion"? Everything needs to privatized? Obama staying with his stepfather in Kenya? The invasion of Livernar? The guy who gets his news from his neighbor who gets it from his neighbor? They're bananas!

    As for the site loading slowly, I don't know. If it's always that way for you, maybe your computer is choking on some graphic element that is always here. If it's just now, or just sometimes, maybe I have something on the front page that is a memory hog. I'll review it this weekend. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Yeah, I wish I could say if I had a better server and computer, like at school, (but you are banned in CCSD (so am I)), it would be faster. But on my almost 10 year old computer, it takes about 5-10 minutes to load your site. Any suggestions would be helpful.
    But for the first comment, if you compare these guys in the video vs union protestors in Wisconsin and other states I'll take these guys. You also have to consider their age. Most of these in the video were much older and maybe wiser?


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