Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Happens in Vegas: Paranoid, but Rich? Try 24/7 Private Vaults!

No matter where you live, there are likely really bad local TV commercials. Lawyers, car dealers, even the local TV channel news personalities appear in repetitive and annoying commercials, some times late at night, but surprisingly popping up in prime time. Some are clever, or so bad they're good. Here in Las Vegas, we have "The Chopper", a badly man-scaped car dealer. We've got Mr. Lee (and family) from Lee's Discount Liquor (a place I frequent. . .uh. . .frequently). We've got Chad Golightly, a lawyer who is tragically bad on camera, but they keep trying to make him presentable. And so many more.

But tonight, I was alarmed to have a little old man who looks like a demented Ross Perot barking at me about vaults and privacy. Apparently, they don't ask your name, or take any form of ID other than your retinal scan (which, actually, identifies you pretty specifically, if you think about it). So, I don't know how they handle billing, or what they do with your stuff if you don't pay, or if you die. And what happens if you don't follow your mom's advice, and put your eye out? Anyway, here's one of their annoying spots. Stay tuned to the end to be scolded by the proprietor!


  1. He actually has a radio show on the weekends.
    You have to pay cash and cash only at his vault.
    But the first time I saw the commercial, all I could think was that his body did not fit his body. The ears shocked me and I shock easy.
    But hey, it's better than a lollipop.

  2. I love this commercial & coot... Has such an old timey Vegas mobster feel to it. Back to the time BEFORE the corruption (read: Corporations).


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