Friday, April 15, 2011

President Obama Caught on Open Mic. . .Yeah, So?

Chill out, I got this. Image from LATimes
Um, really. I'm having trouble finding the story here. Bush was all swagger and bravado on camera. Here's Obama being a little brash and swaggery off camera. Is the story that he's less "cool as a cucumber" as he likes to appear? Is it that he said the word "stupid?" I really don't know why this is such a big story. I don't get it.


Obama remarks caught by open mic

The president casually criticizes Republicans, federal workers and White House technology during a Chicago fundraiser. The remarks were accidentally piped into the White House press room where reporters heard them. . .

Read more at: Los Angeles Times

1 comment:

  1. You guys come off like arrogant bigots.
    Why don't you change your paper's name to :
    "The Archie Bunker Gazette" ?
    Your slogan could be something like :
    "Fair and Balanced Reporting to You!"


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