Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Happens in Vegas: Lies and Irony on Right-wing Talk Radio

I forgot to write about this yesterday. On my short trip home for work, I had the radio tuned to KXNT, the local Las Vegas right-wing talk station (now on FM and AM!!!). Alan Stock, the afternoon/evening host (whom I've tangled with in the past) had on a couple of local ladies who were fixing to raise a protest. I didn't hear enough of the conversation to find out what exactly they were protesting, but that isn't what's important. They didn't call themselves tea baggers specifically, but they were clearly aligned with them, even though they were a separate group. The ladies were making a great effort to portray themselves as previously apolitical, spurred by current events to speak out and protest. They were not backed by the money-rich, fancy pants unions, no, no! Just a genuine, grass-roots, citizen uprising, you betcha!

And then one of the ladies indicated that they were "partnered with" Americans for Prosperity. THAT'S RIGHT, the Koch-brothers backed faux grass roots group that funds much of the Tea Party!!! Unbelievable. No, wait, completely believable.

Before I arrived home, Stock had switched topics, and was onto a local proposed law to make pseudoephedrine allergy medicines available only by prescription. On this issue, I'm WITH the "conservative" side of the issue (though I'm completely unsure if there IS a partisan split on this one). I think it's stupid to have to go to the doctor to get a prescription for something that only MIGHT be used to make meth. But the hilarious part of the argument Stock and his callers were taking was just how MANY uninsured people there were in Nevada, and what a hardship this would be on them! EXACTLY! That's why we wanted single-payer universal health care, you DOPES!!!

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