Photo from Democratic Underground
I what has sort of become a weekly feature, Air America's The Thom Hartmann Program ran another straw poll yesterday, dumping the phone lines, and accepting only calls giving a choice for President in 2008. Here are the results
Edwards - 36
Kucinich - 32
Clinton - 7
Obama - 7
Al Gore - 3
Biden - 1
Nader - 1
Kucinich - 32
Clinton - 7
Obama - 7
Al Gore - 3
Biden - 1
Nader - 1
Though this is a decidedly small sampling, it is also remarkably consistant with Hartmann's earlier straw polls. All have shown Edwards strongly out in front, Kucinich a strong second, and everyone else trailing (or not even placing). The difference this week was a boost in Kucinich votes, higher numbers for both Clinton and Obama (though they are both neck-and-neck each time), and a few missing names.
I continue to find this intersting. I wonder if Edwards' strong showing says something about his hidden potential, or if his supporters just tend to listen to The Thom Hartmann Program.
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