Image from RiverDaughter
Remember the PUMAs? No, not tennis shoes, the group that got their acronym from "Party Unity, My Ass!" and later--correctly inferring that the phrase was rather classless--changed it to "People United Means Action" which is just inscrutable. But not as inscrutable as this video!
I had a run-in or two with the PUMAs during the waning days of the Democratic Presidential Primaries. They were a group of "disenfranchised" Hillary Clinton supporters with a huge axe (battle axe?) to grind. And they despised Barack Obama. To them, Hillary was robbed, and Obama done the robbing. They dealt in baseless accusations and a curiously one-sided take on "dirty politics." They started websites containing far more vile words than were ever hurled at Mrs. Clinton, though they inspired many in-kind replies. Oh, and they were basically just frickin' nuts.
Anyway, the PUMAs are still around (apparently hoping that somehow ol' Hillary is still gonna pull this thing off!), and they have an instructional video showing what they are all about. It plays like a cult indoctrination. A really bad cult. Low production values, bad still photography captures and terrible voice over narration doom the thing. That and the fact that the message is utterly incoherent. Anyway, check it out if you have a couple of minutes to kill.
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