Image from source, Talking Points Memo
I still can't for the life of me figure out why Harry Reid and other Democratic Senators aren't raising more of a stink about the Norm Coleman/Al Franken fight in Minnesota. Do you think for one minute if the situation was reversed that Republicans--even in the minority--wouldn't be raising holy hell? It'd be over by now, and the Democrats would have caved.
As it stands right now, Democrats are in a position that may not be repeated anytime soon. Presidential popularity, a large base, both houses of Congress. I'm not asking for them to become jackasses with idiotic nicknames like "The Hammer," like the Republicans did. It would appear that Democrats are just as lilly-livered in the majority as when they were under the GOP boot heel.
Nick Coleman: Time to end charade in Senate race
After the 2008 Senate race ended in a virtual tie last November, I wrote that Minnesotans had tossed a coin that landed on its edge: Many voters, it still seems to me, voted against Norm Coleman or Al Franken, not for them. . .
Read more at: Minneapolis Star-Tribune
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