Photos of my step-dad, Len (with Pickles the cat) and my dad, Jake
Meet the Press is pre-empted by golf this morning, and This Week is delayed in my time zone. That leaves the dreadful FOX "News" Sunday and Face the Nation, but I think I may just take this opportunity to skip the sunday political talk for the day. I started watching F"N"S, and heard Congresscritters from both sides opine on the Iranian situation. Neither Evan Bayh nor Pete Hoekstra sounded particularly knowledgeable to me, and both of them pronounce the word "nuclear" as new-kyoo-lerr, which saps their credibility.
So, I'm popping in my new Blu-ray disc
of Friday the 13th (the remake)! How's that for a protest against these boring shows? Anyway, have a good Father's Day Sunday, everybody. I'm sure there isn't going to be a huge crowd reading the blogs anyway.

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