Photo from source, Village Voice
Just when you thought the Sarah Palin/David Letterman "feud" had petered out with Letterman's most recent apology and Palin's backhanded (and incoherent) acceptance, there's this. The loons who Palin counts among her "base," felt it necessary to hold a protest outside of CBS's Ed Sullivan Theater. And they were as whack-a-doodle--though not as numerous--as you might imagine.
New York Anti-Letterman Rally Draws Dozens
. . .The Daily News says there were about 50 people there, but we put it closer to 100 if you include the rubberneckers. Indeed, there were about four or five times as many protesters as reporters and cameramen, who competed for pearls of wisdom or lunacy from the crowd. "I have a conservative blog!" one nice young man in a button-down shirt offered. "Women are being debased, Christians are being degraded! Anything's funny now!" . . .
Read more at: Villiage Voice
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