I'm double-dipping into ThinkProgress stories here, only because I found this list of speakers at a right-wing nutjob event (Family Research Council’s Values Voters Summit 2009) inadvertently hilarious. The roster of A-list politicians includes such luminaries as failed presidential candidates (Law & Order actor) Fred Thompson, and (fudgepacker) Mitt Romney. Hopeful future candidate Tim Pawlenty--the guy who won't let Al Franken be Senator--is in there. Also, secessionist governor Rick Perry and oops! Somehow South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford's picture got removed!
The rest of the list just gives me the willies. I like Gary Senise as an actor, but as a political/religious values speaker? Uber-creepy, uber-creaky religionistas Don Wildman and Phyllis Schlafly will be there to bring the fire and brimstone, along with (Blood! Mother! Blood!) Tony Perkins. I have no idea who Eduardo and Lila are, but they're hot, so maybe they're there to keep it chastefully sexy. Carrie Prejean can bring her fake boobies along with a heavy dash of stupid. And Ben Stein can play the substitute teacher, saying, "Sanford? Sanford? Bueller?"
Source: Think Progress
UPDATE: I was unaware when I originally posted this that the image only includes a partial list of invited speakers (confirmed speakers are designated with an asterisk). Here are the others:
- Rep. Michelle (Batshit Crazy) Bachman
- Stephen Baldwin (I'm Not a Celebrity, So Why Am I Here?)
- Gary Bauer (Anti-gay Crusader)
- Glenn Beck (Crazy FOX "News" Guy)
- Ken Blackwell (Katherine Harris II)
- Rep John
- "Uncle" Pat Buchanan
- Gov. Sarah (Caribou Barbie) Palin
- Sean (The Manatee) Hannity
- Sen. Mitch (Constipated Turtle) McConnell
- Mark (Hannity's Brain) Levin
- Kirk (Left Behind) Cameron
- Bill (We'll Do It Live!) O'Reilly
- Gov. Bobby (Kenneth the Page) Jindal
- Rush (Drug-addled Gasbag) Limbaugh
There are more, but you get the idea. Stomach-churning. If you want to see the rest, be my guest at: Value Voters Summit
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