Image from source, TVNewser
If there is a Democrat caught in a scandal, you can count on FOX "News" to drag it out for several weeks, making sure you know it's a Democrat. If there is a Republican caught in a scandal, you can count on FOX "News" to make sure you know they are a. . .Democrat? Seems that way.
This is not the first time FOX has done this, either. I have no idea if it is on purpose, of just a bad typist. It is odd though that "FOX Fans" will immediately counter that MSNBC or CNN neglect to name the party when it is a Democrat. I'd counter back that leaving out the party affiliation is a different beast than labeling it incorrectly.
Fox News Identifies (R) Gov. as a (D)
During his news conference this afternoon, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford was identified as a (D) on Fox News. Not only is he not a (D) he was, until today, the head of the RGA - Republican Governor's Association. The (D) on the lower third banner appeared for about 7 seconds. The banner was then switched to quotes Sanford was giving before the correct (R) designation was inserted. . .
Read more at: TVNewser
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