Photo from source, Brad Blog
OK, so FOX "News" and right-wing talk radio are always all over ACORN for alleged "voter fraud," right? Even though what they're really talking about is voter registration fraud, which nets a paltry number of actual fraudulent votes, it gets the conservabots really, really energized.
So why is it that Ann Coulter, an actual (alleged) fraudulent voter, still gets to be on FOX "News" and on talk radio, and the righties still eagerly hang on her every word? Wouldn't you think they'd want her investigated, just to be logically consistent? Sorry, what was I thinking.
Anyway, if you're wondering where that investigation is going, here's an update.
Justice Delayed? Why the Hold-Up in Connecticut's Investigation into Ann Coulter's 'Voter Fraud'?
It's been nearly five months since the official complaint about Ann Coulter's alleged voter fraud in 2002 and 2004 was filed in Connecticut, yet state election officials continue to refuse comment on the status of the case beyond acknowledging that it's "still pending," as recently confirmed by The BRAD BLOG. . .
Read more at: BradBlog
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