Photo from source, Huffington Post
Yipes. I've already said that I'm blogging a little lighter lately to recharge my blogging batteries. But I still intended to put a few posts up this evening. Problem is, I've been tremendously uninspired by today's happenings.
Of course, the happenings in Iran are the biggest newsworthy event, but I'm hardly an expert on the Middle East, and have very little to add there that would be new, or noteworthy. The train crash in DC was alarming, but I don't know what to do with that. Perez Hilton was attacked by Will.i.am., but he probably deserved it. So, what else? Sotomayer? Meh. President Obama still sneaks an occasional smoke? Who cares. But wait, there's FOX "News" news? OK!
I'm not at all surprised that FOX "News" watchers tend toward the crazy. Are you?
Fox News Anchor Draws Ratings, and Ire of Conservative Critics
At various points on his Fox News program, the anchor Shepard Smith irritated Rush Limbaugh, teased Glenn Beck and grilled Samuel J. Wurzelbacher (a k a Joe the Plumber) over his attacks on President Obama. But it was not until he forcefully confronted the topic of hateful e-mail — some from Fox’s own viewers — that he drew fire over his approach. . .
Read more at: Huffington Post
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