Image from source, Brand New
A couple of years ago, our local phone service went from Sprint to Embarq. I thought Embarq was an interesting name, and I have to admit I really liked the logo. It was sort of a paper airplane design, and I was fortunate enough to have the right color foils in my library at work to depict it without resorting to four-color process printing (which usually produce unacceptable dot patterns on my sign company's equipment).
But now, apparently, Embarq is becoming something new--already. It's changing to CenturyLink. I've got to say, I'm not a fan of either the logo or the name. And I'm only featuring it on the blog because I love the site BrandNew, and because I'm a big fan (and professional designer of) logos. And hey, at least they got rid of the swooshes. See what you think.
Visualizing the Link
Still waiting for federal regulatory approval on the transaction of the merger between CenturyTel and Embarq — two telecommunication companies that, together, will bring together more than two million broadband customers (you can learn more about what they each do here) — the combined entity has announced their new name, CenturyLink.
Read more at: Brand New
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