FURTHER UPDATE (09/04/13): Getting a torrent of hits on this one AGAIN. Attention right-wingers: WHAT is your fascination with this subject?
NEW UPDATE (01/26/10): They're at it again. Click here to see the latest "outrage." Why is this news?
Photo from Democratic Underground
The next time you hear a right winger (or anyone else) comment about President Barack Obama's "classlessness" because he put his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office, remember this, mmmmkay?

NEW UPDATE (01/26/10): They're at it again. Click here to see the latest "outrage." Why is this news?
Photo from Democratic Underground
The next time you hear a right winger (or anyone else) comment about President Barack Obama's "classlessness" because he put his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office, remember this, mmmmkay?

Awesome!!! I sent this back to my Office Manager, who was all worked up yesterday about BO's "classlessness" (is that a W. word?!).
ReplyDeleteWhat I can't figure out is why this is suddenly a hot topic AGAIN? All week long, it's my most read story. Very, very strange. I hate to throw out "racism" as a reason, but you almost have to say that calling Obama "classless" is a way of calling him uppity. . .or something.
ReplyDeleteI guess because of the way her legs were positioned.
DeleteSome smaller minded folks can't find any way to frame an argument over real issues needing to be addressed so they are consumed by the extraneous minutiae. It does not matter what President Obama does, he will never satisfy certain people.
ReplyDeleteSome complaints are legitimate, this one is just silly.
I know photo shop when I see it.. and this is a very bad one.. now take your meds and go back to bed. you have a fever
ReplyDeleteThat's not PhotoShop. Karen Hughes REALLY looks like that.
ReplyDeleteThat picture is a known forgery. Posting it as fact just makes this blog look stupid and uninformed.
ReplyDeleteAnd calling it a forgery without proof, proves nothing. Fail.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way "Anonymous," I am a graphic artist, and that picture in no way looks like a fake. In fact, it looks every bit as real as the one of Obama that everyone is spazzing about. Please note that the Snopes.com site is using this SAME picture in their urband legend debunking of the Obama story. Good enough for Snopes, good enough for me. Prove it is a fake, or shut the hell up.
ReplyDeleteOne should keep in mind that this kind of childish trash makes it all around the world. Need to consider the image that this crap projects on us Americans. It obvious that the feet on the desk thing was made an issue because its a Black President. Welcome to America. I think one should stop all the President bashing. This is disgusting. Concentrate on trying to get your own lives in order and stop blaming everyone else for the problems that you probably brought on yourself. Wake up and smell the Coffee, no matter who is in the White House the situation is not going to get better, because that's not were the problem is. Think about it and stop bashing your damn President irregardless of who it is! He is the UNITED STATES PRESIDENT!
ReplyDeleteVery good comment. We don't have to respect the person, but we should definitely respect the office they hold. Once they are elected, they are our President like them or not.
DeleteAnon (2/22) is right. It is childish, disgusting and it is also transparent. Calling the President "classless" or "arrogant" is a hair's breadth from calling him "uppity", which is--I assure you--what they want to say. And there is one more word they REALLY, REALLY want to say. And somebody prominent is going to make THAT slip one of these days, mark my words.
ReplyDeleteLike so many of our recent Presidents, and generally speaking the direction of the country for the last few decades, Barack Obama is simply destructive to the human spirit and the spirit embodied in the founding principles of our great nation. Freedom has been redefined by a mindset that seeks control. If you do not know this you may not realize that history is replete with illustrations of this all to human characteristic. People are more likely to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who seems less destructive, manipulative, and less dishonest. The boldness with which Obama moves to seize control of those structure, liberties, and jurisdictions that he and the influences to which he is susceptible covet is nothing short of astonishing. He will be repelled all tyrants are. It is one a matter of time. Oh, and as a side note. If you cannot sense Obama's arrogance it reveals your sympathizing with his desires, or you just aren't attuned to recognizing such things.
ReplyDeleteAll the Best
You should be a politician because you can belabor a point with the best of them. How is the man destructive to the human spirit and the spirit embodied in the founding principles of our great nation? Our nation was founded on "all man are created equal", just as the Bible states simply "love one another". In neither case was race, color, creed and any other exception mentioned. As far as being destructive, manipulative and dishonest, tell me anyone in Washington who isn't the exact same way. People seem to forget that the President can only serve a maximum of eight years, but the people who actually vote on bills can make public office a lifetime. Until we have term limits for Congress, our problems will not improve because too many of the people occuping the chairs in both chambers are corrupt and dishonest. And if you attempt to understand Super Pacs, you quickly see all the people in Washington are very susceptible to the influences of others because they owe them for the huge amounts of money that was raised in their behalf and unfortunately, this is not a one party problem, but a problem of both parties. And your last sentence is actually laughable because I have never heard so much arrogance in one paragraph in my entire life.
DeleteI am glad I am not attuned to recognizing such things and you should be ashamed instead of boasting. By the way are you a member of that Oklahoma U. fraternity? if not you could be used out there.
DeleteGeez, paranoid much? There is a schism is reality in America right now. There is your side, which sees tyranny, socialism, Marxism, Maoism, and all manner of horrible isms, and think Barack Obama is a despot, bent on destroying America as a personal goal. People on my side of the looking glass want to know WTF you guys are sniffing.
ReplyDeleteObama is not a radical leftist. He's a milquetoast moderate. He helps water down every major agenda to suit Republicans, and they STILL say no. He keeps trying anyway, and I have no idea why. Shit, he fires people because he's afraid of what FOX "News" will say. This is a tyrant?
The tea baggers are really good at spouting vague rhetoric, and getting all angry in ridiculous hats. But they are TERRIBLE with expressing--to someone outside their circle--exactly HOW Obama is stealing all of our freedoms. When they try, we stare back at them, and say, WHAT?
By the way, I know that sensing racism in someone else's words is dismissed as readily as comparisons to Nazis, but calling Obama "arrogant" is half a step from calling him uppity. Do you REALLY want to tell me that GEORGE W. BUSH wasn't arrogant? Anyone seeking the Presidency has to have an over-active ego. But Obama is no worse than any other occupant of the White House, and has a hell of a lot less swagger than Dubya.
You nailed it. Everyone who seeks this office has a certain amount of arrogance or ego about them or they would not run for the office in the first place. I voted for George Bush yet I recognized his arrogance. John McCain lost me in the last election because he became so condecending and arrogant toward his competition and the totally idiotic decision to choose Palin as a running mate, hoping to snag all the female votes. I did not see the real John McCain again until his concession speech. If he had been that John McCain, he would have gotten more votes.
DeleteLooks like a photo shop. If not, why is Bush sitting so far left of the knee hole of the desk?
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteLooks like a photo shop. If not, why is Bush sitting so far left of the knee hole of the desk?"
Because W. is an idiot? Who knows? As I said, good enough for Snopes, good enough for me.
This is not a photoshop. There is also a picture of Gerald Ford with his feet up.
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