It's sort of stunning to see a faux outrage brush fire alight and consume the blogosphere. David Letterman--a comedian, I remind you--cracked a few semi-tasteless jokes about Sarah Palin and her family, and the righties just went apeshit about it. So much so that Letterman actually apologized, which galls me a little.
Some of the "poutrage" was from one of Letterman's "Top 10" lists, where he said that Palin's style choices were that of a "slutty flight attendant." I will grant that "slutty" might not have been the best word, but c'mon. The Top 10 List is always absurd, and there is very little in any of them that is meant to be taken seriously.
But what really sent right-wing world spinning all lopsided were a couple of jokes about one of Palin's daughters getting "knocked up." Now, perhaps you remember that one of her daughters did get knocked up. And you might also remember the rumor that started in Alaska (way before Palin was inexplicably picked to be John McCain's running mate), alleging that Palin's most recent child was actually her daughter's baby. Also, don't forget that Palin drug her whole family onto the stage with her numerous times, and used them as campaign props.
The righties are outraged that Letterman would pick on one of Palin's children, something they say is out of bounds. Unless it's Chelsea Clinton or Amy Carter, I suppose. Anyway, they took Letterman's fairly tame jokes and blew them up into something unrecognizable. They claim that this "62-year-old" man made jokes about the assault, even rape of a 14-year-old girl! Which was clearly not where the joke was going, but is telling about the people who think it is.
It's the type of story that will make a blip on the pop-culture radar, and go away. For most of us. But it will rear its head (like Vladamir Putin in Alaska), and be flogged to death on rightie websites for years. Lame.
David Letterman and Sarah Palin Feud Grows
On Tuesday night's program, David Letterman's Top-Ten list focused on Sarah Palin's recent trip to New York City. Among the usual assortment of good-natured gags, one item on the list provoked an angry response from Palin herself. See if you can guess which one it was. . .
Read more at: PoliticsDaily
If this churlish ogre thinks jokes about "knocking up" a 14 yr old are funny- he's an even worse mess than previously suspected- and should be locked up. Letterman is a deranged slob- and his stale schtick's about as funny as a train wreck.
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah Palin is SO silly and irrelevant, why the obsession? Clearly the Left noted her appeal, and are out to eliminate the threat- it’s not like it’s not obvious.
And she’s been highly successful in life while ignoring the left-wing feminist model… this helps to explain the extra dose of venom in the attacks.
Go get em, Sarah- and don’t mind the press, nobody will be listening to them anymore after the pending Obamamania implosion-
Letterman's joke is aimed at the baby rumors about Palin, and the actual knocking-up of Bristol. It was in no way literal or meant in any kind of serious way. People calling it a joke about the "rape" or "assault" of a 14-year-old are being disingenuous.
ReplyDeleteThe reaction to this is so over-the-top for relatively tame jokes as to make Palin and her supporters look even more ridiculous than they already do.
You realize this, right? That Sarah Palin is seen by the left as not a "threat," but as a "joke?" A walking cartoon. In fact, we'd be THRILLED if she ran for President in 2012! Though she probably thinks it's 2010.
Go ahead and run her! Pair her with Michelle Bachmann! Or Huckabee! Or Bobby Jindal! Or Carrie Prejean! Or Rush Limbaugh! Or Newt Gingrich! We can't wait!