Image from source, Wonkette
First of all, let me apologize for the photo at left, which is probably the most disturbing image you've seen all day. If your retinas have healed, and you're able to read this, that is.
There is a goofy contingent of right-wingers who are convinced that Barack Obama is not actually President. They claim he's never produced the "long form" version of his birth certificate, and they contend that it is because he wasn't actually born in this country. Thus, he cannot be a "natural born citizen" and is Constitutionally prohibited from being legally sworn in as POTUS. These people are (sometimes derisively) known as "birthers."
Birthers will tell you that Obama could obtain the needed document for $8 (or $10, or $12, or $15), and satisfy them utterly if said form showed conclusively that he was born in Hawaii. Until he does this, they will continue to believe that he was born in Kenya (or British Columbia, or Indonesia, or the middle of the Pacific Ocean, or Malaysia). Never mind that his mother was a US Citizen (or wasn't, or wasn't old enough to confer citizenship upon her son). Forget that there was a birth announcement in a Hawaiian newspaper in August of 1961 (planted! by a mother who apparently knew that her mixed-race child would one day become President). Forget that the State of Hawaii certified the document that Obama has released (which was good enough to get him a passport, and to allow him to become a State and then US Senator).
The fact of the matter is, Obama could do nothing that would satisfy them now. Enough time has elapsed that they would would say they had time to fake it, even if he had the doctor and nurse who delivered him on hand to testify. If Obama Sr. took a home movie of the blessed event, and it was now released on high-definition Blu-ray disc, the birthers would claim it was all CGI and Hollywood magic.
Which is a long way to go to say that white bread "rocker" Pat Boone is a birther. Wouldn't you like to be a birther too?
Elderly Wingnut ‘Teen Idol’ Also Wants Personal Copy of Obama’s Birth Certificate
What happens when you’re super angry about a Negro somehow becoming president, but there are no longer specific laws against a Negro becoming president? Make up something else! Better yet, make up something that can never be disproved, to you, because you can just dedicate yourself to saying, “Nah, that is FAKE somehow!” . . .
Read more at: Wonkette
When Dick Cheney or George W. Bush open their mouths? And the Milhouse thing shows that you are a Mark Levin fan. How can you listen to that awful voice?
Letters to judges accepted through July 20, 2009 in Kerchner v Obama & Congress
The focus must be US Constitution. I am sending this letter. Feel free to use any part, and sign it.:
The Honorable U.S. District Court Judge Jerome B. Simandle, presiding
The Honorable U.S. Magistrate Judge Joel Schneider, referring
Mitchell H. Cohen Building & U.S. Courthouse
4th & Cooper Streets, Room 1050
Camden, NJ 08101
Kerchner v. Obama case.
The United States Constitution is there for our guidance and protection. The oath the president and others make is to protect and defend it. When lies begin a presidency, only problems can follow. The obvious insistance of Barack Obama to hide his identity papers is a definit threat to my wellbeing and to the plaintiffs in this case knowing the dangers to our government, that it could be taken over by the decisions of a deceiving president.
There is a spirit of espionage and distrust in our nation that is too easily overcome by showing documents that are usually open to the public. If the people of the United States cannot trust our government and judicial officers to do their duty before or after complaint and abide by the protection given its citizens by the US Constitution, we are no better than any other government. We are to be the example to the world of how to handle deception in government by peaceful ways, through letters of complaint to government and media, and through the justice system if that does not prevail.
Control of our government can be gained by blackmail by foreign forces, in this case Kenya, Pakistan, and Indonesian government etc.who have Barack Obama’s records, passports, school and adoption and citizenship records. College classmates and faculty and his own administration with these details can also sway policy decisions. His own dual nationalities bring a natural divided loyalty. As it comes closer to revealing his information in court, the fear he may implicate someone puts him in danger. This makes satisfying this controversy extremely important to all people involved.
Barack Obama and his wife have acknowledged his father was a citizen of Kenya and his step-father, Soetoro, was an Indonesian citizen. After he was an Indonesian citizen named Barry Soetoro, there is no evidence he changed his name back to Barack Obama or became a naturalized citizen.
Occidental College shows he received a financial aid available only to foreign students. What is a citizen to do when the president rejects calls to see his records? It is a mistake for a judge or others to assume someone would have caught the deception before this. Espionage is a slow process of putting the right people in the right places to facilitate a take-over.
This is the message I continue to send out for the people to make their own decision.
The charges and evidences against Barack Obama are on my website, court style:
A copy was sent to Barack Obama and US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Both were sent about 2-11-09. Barack Obama clearly thinks he has something to hide.
Email the president that you want this controversy ended for his good, his family’s benefit, and for the good of this nation and world.
Ah, yes. Multiple governments have conspired for 48 years to groom this man, run him for President, and TAKE OVER THE US!!!! Please, do you have any idea how paranoid you sound?
ReplyDeleteDid the foreign cabal also nominate Old Man McCain and Caribou Barbie to ensure that Obama would win?