Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Scariest E-Mail EVER: Karl Rove is Following Me!

When it comes to political figures that I loathe, despise or otherwise have a deep disregard for, there are frankly a lot to choose from. From Sarah Palin to George W. Bush to the odious Dick Cheney, there is ample evidence on this here blog thingy that the hall of shame is vast. But if I had to narrow my rogues gallery down to a top five, even a top two, Karl Rove would find himself there. So imagine my surprise when I found this in my email box:

Now, I don't really tweet very much, so this isn't all that concerning. Twitter for me amounts to an amusing distraction that I haven't really found tremendous use for. So, why is Turd Blossom following my tweets? The answer can probably be found in the three feeds we both follow: RightPride, the paradoxical gay Republican group (to keep tabs on them), NewsBusters (ditto) and Harry Shearer. The last shows that Rove has a bit more taste than I'd have given him credit for.  Anyway, it doesn't really bother me that Rove is following me. . .as long as he isn't literally following me.


  1. I dunno??? With his divorce & Mr. Gannon out of the picture, He may be on the prowl.
    Watch yer tuchus dear editor...


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