Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Right Wing Talk Radio, The Day After

Image from source, The Radio Kitchen

While looking to see if there was any news on the (hopefully) re-emergence of Randi Rhodes on radio, I happened across this gem. A very ambitious blogger has written a post about the state of the right-wing talk radio hosts, the day after Barack Obama won the presidency.

It contains the opening clips of several of the programs from November 5, 2008. And I'll confess, I haven't had time to listen to them yet. But the write ups and summations of these hosts and right-wing talk radio in general, is simply terrific. The sad part about speaking knowledgeably about your subject--in this case right-wing blowholes--is that you have to actually listen to them. I have done this, but not on the same scale. They say you have to suffer for your art, and this guy suffered!

Anyway, if you like a little schadenfreude to start your day, here's a nice place to start. He had me at, "Michael the Savage Weiner."


Remember The Fifth of November?

It was kind of hard to be in a bad mood that Wednesday morning. At least for many of us. Barack Obama had was won the big election. Fair and square. It almost felt like optimism. Then I wondered about all those right wing propagandists who have taken over the AM dial across America… What the hell would they have to say on a day like the fifth of November? . . .

Read more at: The Radio Kitchen

1 comment:

  1. The Radio Kitchen should certainly be more widely viewed. It is a brilliant source of pertinent and insightful analysis of radio content, past and present. Worth frequent visitation, for sure.


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