Friday, December 3, 2010

Rep. Grayson on the Limbaugh/Beck/Palin Tax Cuts


  1. Using Grayson? He's the left's answer to Limbaugh or Palin.
    He has no creditability.

  2. Alan Grayson is a TRUE leftist. If you want to have an example of where the left stands, Grayson is it. The framing of Obama as a foaming at the mouth leftist is utterly false. If the right wants to point to an actual progressive, you've got to go with somebody like Grayson.

  3. He is ignorant and illogical and angry. A lefty.

  4. Lefty? Check. Angry? Check. But ignorant and illogical? I don't think so.

    Grayson may not be your cup of tea, Sofa, but I'd think you'd appreciate his unique brand of politics. You can tell he means what he says, and he goes out of his way to say it. I don't think we've heard the last of him.

  5. Grayson is ignorant and illogical.

    I appreciate a wide variety of diverging opinions, and have learned from many.

    But dumbasses are just dumbasses, my friend.

  6. "But dumbasses are just dumbasses, my friend."

    What idioms does that remark bring to mind? Oh yeah, It takes one to know one and that's the pot calling the kettle black."

  7. Or, "I know you are, but what am I?" or "I'm rubber, you're glue. . ."

  8. I appreciate difference of opinion, revel in it.
    But this guys has no clue.
    What merit is there in what he is saying?

    My comment was specific-
    Ignorance: Facts do not check out. Data wrong.
    Illogical: Lacking in reasoning.

    Show that Grayson has facts or logic. Bueller?


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