Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hate and Lies in North Carolina Anti-Gay Marriage Ad

Attention National Organization for Marriage (NOM), offshoot groups like the one who produced this ad, and anyone else who supports them:

- Voting on other people's rights is shockingly un-American.
- If gay people get married, it doesn't make opposite-sex marriages weaker.
- Voting against marriage equality doesn't make opposite-sex marriages stronger.
- Voting against marriage equality won't have affect poverty.
- Marriage isn't an entity that can be damaged by letting more people get married. Every marriage is individual, it isn't a zero-sum game.
- Gay people have been getting married in various states for many years now. Unless there is measureable damage from that, STFU.
- If your chief reason for opposing marriage equality is because "God says so," you are confusing civil marriage with "holy matrimony." No one should ever  be bound by law to follow anybody's religion.

Now, here is the disgraceful, factually incorrect ad. 


  1. Umm, Jamie, what did you expect them to say?

  2. Well, if they're lying and using illogic to try to get voters to vote their way, it's probably not a just cause. Kind of like if a salesman uses trickery to try to get you to buy something: buyer beware.

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