Photo from source, Radio Equalizer
I was going to shout a big hazzah, but it turns out he's just unhappy with his current deal. I guess Hannity & Colmes (the one show FOX "News" has that has a sprinkling of "fair and balanced" about it) and Hannity's America (much less so) aren't bringing in enough cash.
My hope: when Hannity switches networks, he faces increased competition from Randi Rhodes (now also on a new network due to a contract dispute) and whomever Air America Radio slots into the same time slot. Maybe Sean's lowbrow listeners won't be able to figure out how do dial the radio around to find him, and land on someone making sense for a change. I know, unlikely, but I can dream, can't I?
CHECKING OUT Fed-Up Hannity Exiting Troubled Citadel - ABC Radio
Apparently unhappy with the recently- merged company's political and business direction, talk radio syndication biggie Sean Hannity is exiting Citadel - ABC Radio (NYSE:CDL) for a yet- to- be- disclosed rival. The move could dramatically reshape programming lineups on a number of major stations. . .
Read more at: (right-wing warning) Radio Equalizer
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