Sunday, January 13, 2013

Wonder Bread Lives!

Mmmm. So. . .spongy. Image from ABC News
Though my mother's cooking style was about as basic (Miracle Whip, American cheese, iceberg lettuce, white bread, Hamburger Helper) as you could get, if we ever had Wonder Bread on the table, I don't remember it. That's why I loved that we got it at school in the 70s, in the form of PBJs, bread and butter, grilled cheese sandwiches. It's not that Wonder Bread really tasted all that good. It's just something about the pure white color, the uniform sponginess, the perfectly formed shape. It was space age, when The Jetsons still kind of seemed like the future. I'm sure that our equally spongy and perfectly round buns on our hamburgers, sloppy joes and shredded chicken sandwiches were Wonder brand too. So, I'm glad that the Wonder Bread brand will survive. . .kind of. It seems like a product of a bygone era. Other than nostalgia, I'm not sure why anyone buys it.


Hostess Strikes Deal to Sell Wonderbread, Fate of Twinkies Not Yet Settled

The iconic Wonderbread, once in jeopardy after Hostess declared bankruptcy, seems likely to return to store shelves under a new brand. A $390 million bid from Flower Foods Inc., for six of the Twinkie maker’s bread brands, was the leading bid on Friday. . .

Read more (with video) at: ABC News

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