Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sen. Al Franken's Ideas for Spending Cuts

Image from source, Minnesota Independent

There are names of political figures and pundits, left or right, that will cause an immediate eye-roll, and dismissal by many on the opposiite side of the political aisle. It would be difficult, for example, to convince me that Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh or Michele Bachmann is entirely right about anything. It's not exactly open minded, but I'm not exactly uninformed about those people either. Figures from the left who might arouse the same sort of reaction on the right would be people like Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher and Senator Al Franken.
Now, I personally don't think that the examples I gave are opposite sides of the same coin. I happen to think that  the examples I listed are more thoughtful and intelligent, not to mention truthful. I also think that their detractors probably have less of a genuine knowledge of their views, having gotten them mostly second-hand. But I get it, through the political prism, they're seen as opposites.

Even so, take a look at this common sense list of ideas from Franken on places to cut spending in the budget. There's no wild-eyed ranting here, these are straight ahead good ideas. And he didn't even mention the "Franken Donut Hole" that would keep the cap on Social Security Taxes in place at $106,000, but then start taxing again at $1,000,000 and up. That would be a great idea.


Sen. Franken offers three ideas to help cut government spending

OpEd piece by Sen. Al Franken – It’s easy to agree that we should cut government spending. It’s harder to agree on what government spending we should cut.

We can’t just say, “Let’s cut $500 billion” or make vague promises about “increasing efficiency.” Serious budget proposals should be clear about exactly what we’d be cutting, saving, and sacrificing. . .

Read more at: HomeTownSource

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