Monday, June 11, 2012

Random Thoughts

Another weekend is gone, I'm up too late, and I have a number of things on my mind. Among them are the following:

- Isn't it funny how time compresses when you're trying to enjoy yourself, and elongates when you want to be doing something else?

- I'm always perplexed by the "anti-gay" people on the internets who seem to think they know more about "the gay" than actual gay people.

- Why is it that the current cost of a car now, is more than the cost of a house in the 1970s? My parents had a 30-year loan on a $17,000 house!

- Do kids of today see 1980s music in the same way I (as a kid of the 70s) saw big band music?

- Likewise, do kids of today see record players, Dymo label makers, typewriters and pagers the way I see the telegraph, or a horse-drawn carriages?

- No matter what kind of television show you like best, more than half of your favorite shows will be cancelled before they get to prove themselves.

- If you have a strongly held opinion, it will be rebutted forcefully in the news, but it will infuriate you that it wasn't correctly portrayed.

- When it is time to go to bed, you won't want to go.

- You will find yourself in the dentist's chair and feel that the time interval is far shorter than the calendar tells you is true.

- Your political opposites will believe as fervently as you do that they are right, and that you are wrong.

- Alone time is fantastic, but together time is awesome too.

Have a great week, everybody. I'm just going to try to keep my head down, and my shoulder to the wheel.


  1. - Do kids of today see 1980s music in the same way I (as a kid of the 70s) saw big band music?
    YES (from my 14 year old daughter)
    Likewise, do kids of today see record players, Dymo label makers, typewriters and pagers the way I see the telegraph, or a horse-drawn carriages?
    My kids have never seen a record player, typewriter, label makers and they want to know what a pager is.
    When it is time to go to bed, you won't want to go Umm, I'm writing this at 1:24 aM, enough said.
    Alone time is fantastic, but together time is awesome too Umm, no comment
    No matter what kind of television show you like best, more than half of your favorite shows will be cancelled before they get to prove themselves
    That's why I watch cable and TV Land
    Good questions

  2. This is different time schedule for spending holidays. This is totally different from others. Uniqueness is always perfect. So keep it up. Thanks


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